Microbusiness Strategies LLC
A Bridge to Microbusinesses
Unique Networking
Serving business, government, academic and non-profit clients
How we work
The Microbusiness Strategies Team is a collaboration of 55 expert international professionals who specialize in one or more areas of Microenterprise, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, and Research. Most Team Members are also Microbusiness owners and have personal experience in the field(s). The Team is led by Founder and CEO, Ron P. Wacks.
To serve U.S. Microbusinesses by providing the proper tools and strategies to those who serve or wish to serve Microbusinesses—in a mutual interest.
With over 18 years of leadership in the field, we provide stakeholder communities with the research, capabilities, tools, resources, network and expertise to more effectively serve the Microbusiness demographic, market and constituency in the course of meeting their organizational objectives—in a mutual interest.
To provide our clients with the essential tools necessary for them to understand, interact with and effectively serve the Microbusiness community – the largest single sector of the American economy and the least understood, most underserved; to provide consulting, instructive services and strategies to our client base for the mutual benefit of our clients and the Microbusiness community in accordance with the respective goals and objectives of each.
Microbusinesses are 95.8% of all US firms. How will interested entities navigate this demographic, market and constituency without a guide??
To create a more meaningful understanding of and more successful interface with the U.S. Microbusiness community for our client base; and for them to better serve U.S. Microbusinesses with mutual benefit.
To provide our clients with an extraordinary depth of consulting and educational tools, information and strategies to help them meet their objectives; for our clients to utilize these tools and strategies to improve the environment for Microbusinesses and their level of success in accordance with mutual organizational goals and objectives; to offer consulting, educational and strategic services in the highest level of expertise, ethical tone and integrity possible.
To serve the U.S. public and private sectors with the most comprehensive, timely, targeted and useful services germane to the U.S. Microbusiness community; and to empower our clients to better serve U.S. Microbusinesses more effectively in the course of meeting their organizational objectives.